

Akashic Records

An Esplanade to Liberation


The vision for Vimoksha is centered around assisting clients to find distinctive answers to the dilemmas in their lives, with the help of our intuitive tarot readings, and other divination tools, so that they are able to attain adequate personal growth and realize their full potential in life. 

Akashic Records

3 Questions over WhatsApp Audio Call by Celebrity Energy Healer IERAA

30 Mins ₹ 15488 Gurugram, Haryana, India

Service Description

Popularly referred to as the “Book of Life” or the “Universal Library”. Akashic records are a collection of knowledge, events, experiences and thoughts that have occurred in the universe in the past.

Originating from the Sanskrit word “Akasha” meaning space or ether, these records have their roots in Hinduism, Buddhism and Theosophy. These records are not a tangible entity, rather, they are like an energy field existing on a higher plane of consciousness that encompasses the mysteries of the past, present and future lives- a true treasure trove of wisdom.

Benefits of Doing an Akashic Reading

Since these records reveal all the facets of one’s past, present, and future lives and trace the trajectory of soul development, it can be excellent for getting some insights in self-discovery, healing, and growth. The knowledge about past lives and karmic activities can make one more self-aware and facilitate personal development. These records may prove to be pivotal while working to resolve past traumas and emotions. They can help one to make peace with their circumstances and emotions so that people can forgive themselves and drop off the emotional baggage they might be carrying for a long time. These records can also serve as an excellent tool for soul-searching, seeking guidance for the future so that one may strive to attain their highest potential. An analysis of these records may also prove to be beneficial for someone going through acute problems in their relationships as the reading would bring out the common patterns and obstacles involved in the relationships.

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